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Help! I can't sleep!

Bed Wellington
Reading from a physical book can help you to fall asleep

Here are the top 10 tips to help you fall asleep sooner:

1) Keep Cool

Your body temperature changes as you fall asleep. Your core temperature decreases, while the temperature in your hands and feet increases.

If your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. Having your room at 15 - 23 degrees can help.

Individual preferences will vary, so find the temperature that works best for you.

Taking a warm bath or shower could also help speed up the body's temperature changes. As your body cools down afterwards, this can help send a signal to your brain to go to sleep.

2) Take A Deep Breath (Or three)

Deep breathing promotes relaxation. Try this technique:

1) Breathe in slowly for 4 seconds

2) Hold your breath for 8 seconds

3) Breathe out slowly for 8 seconds

Repeat this cycle at least three more times.

This technique can slow your heart rate and help you to fall asleep quickly.

3) Don't Nap!

Napping is considered by some a vital part of a constructive days routine, but studies have shown that Napping for too long during the day throws out your normal sleep patterns and can cause difficulties with sleeping at night.

4) Embrace The Dark

This may seem obvious, but your body naturally finds it easier to sleep if it is in darkness. Avoid reading from tablets and electronic devices an hour before bed time and if you wake up in the middle of the night, don't look at your phone to see what time it is - the light they emit can reduce your body's ability to create melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Make sure your room is as dark as possible by using black out curtains or blinds.

5) Forget The Time

If you wake up in the middle of the night or are still awake and are curious how long you've been lying there, resist the temptation to look at the time. Not only will the light from your screen not help, but stressing about how much sleep you've missed out on or how long it is until you have to get up will only make it harder for you to fall asleep.

6) Routine Rules

If at all possible, try to go to sleep and get up at roughly the same time each day, this will help to set your body clock and allow your body to develop new and consistent sleep patterns.

7) Music To Your Ears

Try listening to relaxing music as you go to bed. Once you catch yourself drifting off, take the earbuds out and enjoy a peaceful nights rest, or leave the music in and enjoy a soundtrack to your dreams. Try relaxing and sleep oriented Spotify playlists.

8) Get Comfy

Studies have shown that having a comfortable and supportive sleep surface can greatly increase the quality of your sleep. For more information on how to choose the right bed click here the following link:

9) Don't Be A Caffiend

Drinking caffeine 6 hours before you go to sleep is major a no-no.

For most of us caffeine can increase agitation, mind activity and alertness - three enemies of a restful sleep. Instead choose caffeine free herbal teas that promote relaxation like chamomile, lavender and passionflower.

10) Read A Bedtime Story

There's a reason your parents read you a story before bedtime when you were a child. Studies indicate that reading from a physical book can relax the mind and stimulate patterns in your brain that make it conducive to falling asleep. An added benefit is that a good book can distract you from fretting about not falling asleep.

Just make sure the book isn't too exciting or scary!

Getting a good nights sleep is vital to your general health and well-being. If you're not getting the restful sleep you deserve, it might be time for a new bed or there may be an undiagnosed issue that is preventing you from having a good nights sleep.

Come in and see one of our team of sleep experts for a free sleep consultation -

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